Red deer (Cervus elaphus) hunting
Today red deer are to be found in all locations across Poland. The largest density of red deer population is in Pomerania, Masuria and the Carpathian Mountains. It is a typical species of deer to be found in large forested areas.
Red deer have excellent sight, hearing and sense of smell.
The peak of the rut period is the most interesting time for hunting red deer. The period starts with the first days of September and lasts until the beginning of October. This is the best time for hunting splendid older stags with immense and impressive antlers.
Trophies most frequently include branched antlers weighting between three to seven kilos each, though antlers exceeding 10 kilograms are not exceptional (in Masuria or the Carpathian Mountains)
The most favourable format for hunting red deer is usually for about seven days of shooting and each hunter-guest is accompanied by a Polish hunter.
Fallow deer (Dama dama) hunting
Fallow deer has been around in Poland since the seventeenth century. The population of fallow deer has been systematically growing for the past twenty years. The most numerous populations are to be found in Western and Northern Poland (the Wielkoplska region, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodeships). The mentioned areas provide fallow deer with the most agreeable environment that usually combines different types of habitat.
Fallow deer prefer deciduous forests with numerous clearings and meadows and close vicinity to fields.
Fallow deer have good sight, hearing and sense of smell.
The most interesting period for hunting fallow deer stags is in the rutting season, i.e. from the second half of October to the first days of November.
Fallow deer are hunted from high seats or after stalking.
In Poland, the size of the trophy is usually within the range of two and three and a half kilos.
Wild boar (Sus scrofa) hunting
The wild boar is a common species throughout Poland though it is most frequent in the western and northern parts of the country. Forests with diversified species composition, which provides boars food throughout the year, are typical habitat for the species. The wild board can easily adapt to changeable conditions of its habitat.
Wild boars often inflict considerable damage to crops.
Individual wild boar hunting is particularly attractive and the best time is usually at night when there is a full moon, particularly in Autumn and Winter.
Driven hunts for wild boar, roe deer, red deer and foxes provide additional opportunity for hunters. They are usually held from the second half of October to mid January. Hunting parties should consist of ten to fifteen individuals and the most popular format is for three to four days.
Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) hunting
In Poland, the roebuck is common throughout the country with the highest density of its population in the western part of the country. The estimated number of the population of roebuck in Poland is 700,000.
The habitat encompasses practically all ecosystems except mountainous areas. The roebuck prefers areas characterized by a mosaic-type of structure, covered by forests and open areas.
The hunting season for roebuck starts on May 11th and lasts to the end of September.
Many hunters prefer to hunt roebuck during the rutting season, i.e. from the second half of July to the first days of August each year.
Trophies include predominantly antlers with the net weight of 200 to 350 gr. (-90 gr.).
The most preferred types of hunting include shooting from high seats and after stalking.
European Bison (Wisent) (Bison bonasus) hunting
The European bison is a species Polish naturalists are particularly proud of. After the first world war its population was almost extinct in wild state, only surviving in national parks. A herd of 700 in Polish forests of Białowieża survived into this century and was reintroduced successfully into the wild and currently the population of the European bison in Poland is about 800.
European bison can be hunted in Poland though a special shooting permit from the Ministry of Environment is always required. Hunters are assigned a small number of licences (from 8 to 18) for shooting.
European bison hunts are usually organized in Puszcza Borecka (Borecka Forest) in Masuria.
The best results in a bison hunt are after stalking or a drive up.
Trophies include: skull with skin
Moufflon (Ovies aries musimon) hunting
A wild sheep native to the mountains of the Mediterranean region but successfully introduced into Central Europe in 1901 (in Lower Silesia). The largest population of moufflons are to be found in the Sowie Mountains (near Bielawa), in the area close to Wałbrzych and in the areas included in the Jawor Forestry Commission.
In Lower Silesia moufflons live in different types of forest, preferably in deciduous forests and mixed forests with clearings and thickets.
Weight of body is 35 to 50 kilos, they feed in the evening and morning, mostly in flocks led by a ram. Moufflons are particularly sharpsighted and have good hearing and sense of smell.
October-November is the best time for moufflon stalking, i.e. their mating season when the animal is very agitated. Trophies include skin and, with a ram, additionally skull with horns.
Big game driven hunts
Game management in Poland is based on the so-called hunting districts. Hunting districts should not be smaller than 3,000 hectares though most frequently they cover more than 6,000 to 10,000 hectares.
Hunting districts can be rented to hunting associations or can be developed by the State Forests (National Forest Holding) – the so-called Game Breeding Centres.
In order to obtain additional funds to develop districts, individual or group hunts are organized for foreign hunters.
Group hunting (from October 1 to January 15) includes a large number of hunters (usu. 10 to 15 rifles). The most popular format is for two to four days.
In districts that have a good state of game population and health of animals, the average distribution of game for one hunter daily is one specimen or more.
Red deer, roe deer, wild boar and foxes are most frequently hunted. Should a possibility arise, this group also includes fallow deer.
A decisive influence upon the result of a hunt has the affluence of game of a particular hunting district, good hunting organization, good shots and, obviously, a bit of luck.
The most favourable number of hunters in a group hunting game should be about 10 to 15 hunters – it is the best number to properly hunt the planned area.
Driven pheasant hunt
Our agency has been successfully organizing one-day and two-day driven hunts for hunting parties of 5 to 12 hunters. The success rate is very high and each participating hunter has a chance to shoot down about 50 to 100 pheasants a day.
Our offer includes hunting in several attractive hunting districts in the Wielkopolska region.